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Carved In Stone

Contemporary coastal home in Manchester-by-the-Sea

“每个人都喜欢现代汽车和现代时尚,为什么不喜欢现代建筑呢?” muses Adolfo Perez, principal of Adolfo Perez Architect他在新英格兰以他的当代建筑而闻名. “说你不喜欢现代建筑对我来说是一种审美选择.”

许多风格的标志——与网站有内在的关系, a mindfulness for materials, a bona fide indoor-outdoor relationship, 平坦的屋顶如果没有经过深思熟虑,可能会变成一盘散沙. That isn’t the case for Perez. 在他的所有建筑中,他都对大大小小的细节进行了思考. A new home in Manchester-by-the-Sea, 坐落在悬崖之上,俯瞰着岩石地形和大西洋的潮汐, epitomizes his aesthetic approach.

Contemporary Coastal Architecture

Says Paul Reidt, president of Kochman Reidt + Haigh Cabinetmakers (KR+H),他参与了这个项目,“Adolfo可以从全局到分子水平的细节.对于这个家来说,这意味着“非常清晰的现代主义细节和严格的词汇”.”

住宅的外观代表了全球范围的终结. “We all agreed that the home had to be stone,” says Perez, 谁选择了花岗岩,因为它突出的石头被茂密的植被所包围. 佩雷斯的颜色会更暗,以反映栅栏, but the client preferred a lighter shade of gray. 所选择的花岗岩具有与场地相呼应的有机吸引力, as well as permanence, says Perez, and a windswept—and sunswept—vibe.

The roof is a maintenance-free, lead-coated copper. 新英格兰的其他人对木头有偏好吗, shingles or clapboard, Perez employs stucco, 石头和铅包锌——“经得起时间考验的耐用材料”.”

Contemporary Architecture

楼梯是住宅的关节,呈现雕塑般的形状. 石灰华地板来自意大利的一个完整的街区,经过干燥铺设和编号. 它的连接脉“不同于任何其他项目,”彭说.

Perez uses materials to forward the design. 他的选择是整体结构,甚至雕塑. 他说:“同样的房子如果用木头或灰泥粉刷,看起来就不一样了。. 此外,花岗岩、钢铁和玻璃具有本质,他继续说道. “They’re not trying to be anything they’re not.”

Contemporary coastal home in Manchester-by-the-Sea

石灰石壁炉作为房间的焦点引起人们的注意,并作为建筑的分隔物. 它的设计和细节不同,一边到另一边,有一个漂亮的长凳 Cumar, Inc.

玻璃是这个私人住宅的必需品,它可以在脚下的碧水中饮用. By all accounts, the setting is exquisite, 到处都是悬臂式空间,让你更接近大自然. “The home is in service to the view,” says Perez. “The view becomes everything. The house is almost incidental to it.”

房子的许多座位区在其开放的平面内有不同的设计和用途. 这使得房主能够以多种不同的方式体验生活空间——从在餐桌上开会到在海边安静地读书.

建筑师并不认为这个结构是现代的,” no doubt because the homeowners—fearlessly, credits Reidt—left a traditional home in Hamilton, for this clean, minimalist new home by the sea. Perez与室内设计师彭美驰合作 Meichi Peng Design Studio, 要求室内建筑尽可能的简洁, using rich materials of stone, 木材和瓷砖使表面保持简单, and the forms seamless and appreciated.

Contemporary Architecture

现代厨房被专门划分为区域,以充分利用住宅的主要资产——海洋. 矩形布局有一个“社交安排”,双岛顶部是由Cumar坚硬的石英岩, Inc. that "waterfalls" on both ends. 柜台与安装在壁炉上的石灰石和瓷砖相呼应.

In the kitchen, KR+H致力于现代主义的细节和彭选择的饰面, like “assertive” quartzite countertops, 缺少硬件(及其并发症), 架子正面是透明的背涂玻璃, which is, typically, not a cabinetmaker’s medium. “To the casual observer, modernist detailing may look simple, but it isn’t,” explains Reidt, giving a nod to the molecular. “Every detail plays a role.”

For the furnishings, Peng took a gentler approach, 使用室内设计方案来调和客户的两个不同的世界. 彭在房主的舒适区中取得了过渡平衡,这也与他们所珍视的联系在一起, classic art collection from their former home. “我们没有选择光滑的现代家具,”彭坚持说. “我们想要一个干净、现代,但又不失柔和的外观.” In this sense, 家具成为艺术品和当代室内之间的桥梁, and the art was better for it, underscores Peng, because of the contrast.

“有一种误解,认为当代室内设计是冷酷和不友好的. I'd like to change that perception. 你可以做一个舒适柔软的现代设计." —Meichi Peng

Contemporary Coastal Architecture

卧室面朝大海,尽收眼底. 佩雷斯说,玻璃阳台几乎消失了,但却是必不可少的. “当你做落地玻璃时,你必须打开一些东西." 

住宅的单色色调是由景观驱动的, 苍白的海泡色从一个房间延伸到另一个房间. 总体概念反映了“空间的宁静”,” says Peng, as well as the outside environment. It is light and airy, and inspired by the ocean vistas, rock formations and natural colors of the site.

The Team

Architect: Adolfo Perez Architect; Builder: Karpowich Building Contractors; Interior Design: Meichi Peng Design Studio; Kitchen Cabinetry: Kochman Reidt + Haigh; Millwork: Herrick & White Architectural Woodworkers; Stone: Cumar, Inc.; Tile Installation: Installations Plus; Technology Consultant: Eric Thompson; Landscape Architect: ZEN Associates

Images by Richard Mandelkorn

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