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Catalano Architects; Liz Caan Interiors; Old Grove Builders; Nat Rea Photography
Posted Nov 22 at 10:48 AM in Blog by Admin
(Catalano Architects; Liz Caan Interiors; Old Grove Builders; Nat Rea Photography) 在家里创造理想的聚会空间是一种爱的劳动. 值此佳节,你最亲爱的客人从四面八方来到你身边, 你有机会把家里最繁忙的中心装饰一下. 不管你是在厨房开会, lounging in the living room, 或者在家里舒舒服服地看电影...
Wet Bar - Kotzen Interiors; Elite Media Solutions; Cambridgeport Construction, Catherine Truman Architects; Warren Patterson Photography
Posted Nov 22 at 10:24 AM in Blog by Maddie Brisbane
(Kotzen Interiors; Elite Media Solutions; Cambridgeport Construction, Catherine Truman Architects; Warren Patterson Photography) 用一两杯鸡尾酒迎接节日是一种时髦的尝试. Whether you fancy hot toddies, cozy eggnog, or crisp citrus poinsettias, 设置湿酒吧可以将体验提升到一个全新的水平. 创造一个优雅,别致的空间来混搭...
Posted Nov 15 at 11:53 AM in Blog by Maddie Brisbane
减少房屋的能源使用和环境影响从建筑开始. 适当的规划搭配有目的的材料和设计选择可以导致一个近乎完美的家庭能源评级. 优化家庭的能源效率不仅能长期省钱, 但也反映了对我们宝贵的自然环境的爱和关怀.  这个项目被恰当地命名为“能源”...
Posted Oct 31 at 1:39 PM in Blog by Admin
Congratulations to our clients!the Blade of GrassBrendon propertiesClassic KitchensCape associatesCrown Point橱柜discover瓷砖fergusonfbngregory LombardiHeather Vaughan designinterologyjan GlysteenKitchen VisionsKevin Cradock BuildersLien enterprisesldalongdesign BuildMid Cape HomePSDSimple HomeSlocum HallSea Dar ConstructionSV DesignTSP Smart SpacesVani Sayeed 
Posted Oct 31 at 11:15 AM in Blog by Admin
秋季流行趋势不仅可以放在你的衣橱里. They can spice up your home, too! Erin Gates, 时尚与室内设计博客Elements of Style, 和我们分享了她最喜欢的本季流行趋势, and, in collaboration, 我们整理了一些方法,以一种有品位的方式将这些趋势点缀在你的家里. 以下是这些流行趋势如何从你的衣橱里逃出来,让你的衣橱焕然一新的方法...
Taste Design, Inc.: Horan Building Company; Jan Armor Photography
Posted Oct 28 at 11:07 AM in Blog by Admin
(Taste Design, Inc.: Horan Building Company; Jan Armor Photography) Isn’t Fall delicious?  秋天带来了新的光线、新的色彩和全新的心情. 这是一个变革的时刻——包括在你的家里. When the seasons shift, 没有什么比慢炖食谱更好的了, warm sweaters, fireplaces, pumpkins, and the feeling of a fresh start.  So hit reset and fluff your nest. Create a...
Posted Oct 27 at 11:42 AM in Blog by Admin
有人说,模仿是最大的奉承. 这个项目的意义远不止于此. It was a dream come to fruition.  The vision was conjured by S. 普莱斯利·布莱克,他于1935年共同创立了友好冰淇淋公司. 作为一个欣赏精美建筑和历史的人, 布莱克设想了一个蒙蒂塞洛的复制品, 这是我国第三任总统18世纪的故居, Thomas...
Posted Oct 24 at 2:44 PM in Blog by Admin
当Crown Point于1979年开业时,他们为定制橱柜设定了黄金标准. 今天,他们继续惊喜和喜悦,提供令人兴奋的新细节,体现了奢华.  当里面和外面一样华丽时,你就知道这是顶级设计. 每个家具级皇冠点橱柜的内部都是用优质的美国黑胡桃木制作的, as part of their new...
Posted Oct 20 at 11:04 AM in Blog by Admin
柳条已经存在了几个世纪, 尽管它现在很流行, it truly has a timeless appeal. More and more, 我们看到柳条和藤条材料被用于室内装饰, as well as outside. 这种材料给房间和空间带来舒适. 今天的柳条可能比我们的祖父母更现代,更流线型, but Jocelyn Chiappone, of Digs Design Co...
Saltonstall Architects; Costello Fine Homes; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage Doors
Posted Oct 18 at 1:35 PM in Blog by Admin
坐落在一片葱翠的草坪上,俯瞰着港口, 这个广阔的Mattapoisett撤退开始是一个潜在的拆除. Yet the current homeowners, who live year-round in Texas, 在重新配置平面图和增加必要的平方英尺的同时,保留原有两居室结构的完整性和占地面积是可能的. The husband grew up summering...
