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Timeless Home Design Trends

Jan Gleysteen Architects, Inc.

At BDG, 我们很感激能与自公司成立以来就一直在我们身边的专业人士建立关系. Feeling nostalgic, 我们梳理了档案,看看这些人才在我们的前几版中展示的项目. 我们并不惊讶地发现,今天的设计与20年前一样重要. 我们问了这些设计的负责人,是什么让这些设计如此经久不衰,他们今天会做什么不同的事情, if anything.…

Gregory Lombardi Design

Gregory Lombardi Design
这幅新英格兰海滨住宅的优雅景观多年后获得了成功,因为它给人的感觉, says Gregory Lombardi. 这个场景是“一个慢下来的邀请”,是365体育官网客户端与水接触的, and, possibly, memories. Even at the time of completion it harkened back to an earlier time; it was quietly inserted (from scratch!) in a way that preserved the character of the vista. 虽然海洋环境法规很复杂,但这种设计具有“少即是多”的敏感性. 门是优雅和简单的,以保持焦点的观点, says Lombardi, 而木板路则是一个触发器,提供“一阵兴奋”,,迫使旁观者沿着它的路径加速前进,在海里溅起水花. [Gregory Lombardi Design]

Jan Gleysteen Architects, Inc.

Jan Gleysteen Architects, Inc.
This gray and gracious clapboard home is ageless, 因为它融合了古典主义的元素, 采用的设计原则可以追溯到文艺复兴时期, never mind 20 years. 对称的巧妙运用使住宅具有持久的吸引力(注意两个坚固的山墙翼和与前门门廊相呼应的“日出”拱门)。, 它的几何形状和住宅体量的层次结构也是如此. Its “bas-relief design,” comprised of four plane walls, creates tension and interest, and the composition as a whole is softened by boxwoods, and wisteria that climbs along the pergola. Were Gleysteen to do it again today? 他可能会在门廊的顶部镶上镶板,以模仿双凸窗的窗户. [Jan Gleysteen Architects, Inc.]

LDa Architecture & Interiors

LDa Architecture & Interiors
这座位于埃塞克斯的红雪松瓦建筑因其丰富的建筑特色和与自19世纪以来点缀在北岸海岸线上的豪华避暑别墅的紧密联系而流行, offers Treffle LaFleche. Its durable materials also stand the test of time, 它的当代构图和开放式生活平面仍然是当下的. 虽然这所房子的双吊窗今天仍然很流行, LaFleche可能会选择更大的窗户,以达到更欧洲化的审美, 淡化历史上的参考,改变干净的白色装饰,比深色的污渍更能显示磨损. [LDa Architecture & Interiors]

Nicholaeff Architecture + Design, Inc.

Nicholaeff Architecture + Design, Inc.
Most architects, maintains Doreve Nicholaeff, strive for designs that are timeless, 尼古拉夫认为,通过对科德角农场风格的小屋进行全面翻新和扩建,她实现了这一目标. It helps, of course, 她20年前使用的材料一直是科德角建筑景观的一部分,而且没有停止的迹象. Nicholaeff is most influenced by “the big picture,” how the house sits on the land, and how it functions for the owner. If those things are successful, the design endures. If she were to design the house again today, 她会考虑设计领域之外的进步. She’d raise the foundation to suit the changed floodplain, 更新暖通空调系统和保温系统,享受挑选瓷砖的乐趣, 电器和固定装置从丰富的选择今天的市场上. [Nicholaeff Architecture + Design, Inc.]

Catalano Architects

Catalano Architects
这个令人惊叹的门厅由Catalano Architects设计,向“Living Hall”致敬,这是“像皮博迪这样的公司的瓦式风格工作的一个组成部分” & 斯特恩斯和阿瑟·利特尔,”汤姆·卡塔拉诺校长解释道. The entrance evokes the designs of the storied, prolific firms of the Gilded Age, 但通过其简单的细节和灰白色染色木材的调色板,更新了传统的折叠式楼梯的配置,这种配置在过去的瓦式风格中很常见. 也有一个微妙的点头东方的感性利用的首席Beaux艺术建筑师斯坦福·怀特. Says, Catalano, 栏杆让人想起怀特的室内建筑受到日本国内室内设计的影响.” [Catalano Architects]

Anthony Catalfano, Anthony Catalfano Interiors, Inc. (below left)

对比例和规模的透彻理解使这个丰富的卧室具有持久的吸引力,与20年前创建时一样具有相关性. It has an “eclectic but clean” feel says Anthony Catalfano, that has staying power, thanks to its neutral palette and decorative accents, 包括挂在不锈钢线上的窗帘和装饰着青铜钉头的白色皮革软垫床. 此外,房间的炉边优势和当代艺术收藏永远不会过时. [Anthony Catalfano Interiors]

Anthony Catalfano Interiors (right); Detail Millwork, Inc. (left)
Detail Millwork, Inc. (above right)

This fireplace mantel, crafted by Owner Richard Rigoli of Detail Millwork, “was meant to be simple yet elegant,” says Rigoli, “and I think it hits the mark.引人注目的建筑细节是客厅的焦点,采用非洲条纹红木设计,并以不锈钢装饰. 漂亮的壁炉的丰富的贴面必须匹配,以获得外观和纹理刚刚好, 然后真空压制成一块实心的木头. Rigoli解释说,好的工艺是永恒的,所以他不会改变任何东西. “如果你今天看到这幅画,你会以为我上周画的. But I did it 20 years ago.” [Detail Millwork, Inc.]

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