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Serene Spaces

Landscape by Select Horticulture, Inc.

(Landscape by Select Horticulture, Inc.)


Gardens have long had an association with tranquility. Gentle verdant slopes, 茂密的草坪和蜿蜒的小径对精神和灵魂都有治疗作用. Just think of Buddhist and Japanese gardens, 在那里,宁静的沉思和简单的享受宁静的古老禅宗原则嵌入在景观中. 下面这些绿洲可以让你从日常的疯狂生活节奏中解脱出来, offering quiet moments of lush beauty.

Landscape: Schumacher Companies
Landscape by Schumacher Companies

Schumacher Companies’ glorious formal garden, above, is far too orderly to be Zen, 一种坚持认为完美不存在的哲学 seen this garden?). 尽管如此,它绝对对旁观者有一种停下来闻一闻玫瑰的效果. We love the geometry of the hedge against the blooms of color, and the stone path that begs you to circle its grounds. 中心的水景焦点是听觉和视觉上的愉悦.

Landscape by Schumacher Companies

舒马赫公司设计的这个精致的科德角远景让所有聚集在这里的人都觉得他们是世界上独一无二的. The circular hardscape, set at its own elevation, 即使它是在一个开放的环境中设置的,它也有一种非凡的隐私氛围. 一边是花坛,另一边是海岸线的天然灌木丛, 这个修剪整齐的露台——它的草从石头上露出来——是享受大海和地面的完美栖息之处.

Landscape: Leone Landscape and Construction
Landscape by Leone Landscape and Construction

The above design by Leone Landscape and Construction for a home in Nahant also prizes its ocean overlook. 它被塑造成一个被偷来的伊甸园,在院子的一个非正式的部分,是隐蔽的,但不炫耀. 当地的新英格兰田野石步道通向树外和屋屋树旁的石灰岩长凳. 景观以小灌木和多年生植物为特色,以保持视野的焦点.

Landscape: Leone Landscape and Construction
Landscape by Leone Landscape and Construction

For a Brookline home, Leone Landscape and Construction在无可挑剔的最高海拔上建造了一个独立的石头塔楼. 这里的目标是建立一个私人空间和休息区,让房主觉得他们远离城市生活. 塔楼拥有天然的新英格兰田野石和石板屋顶,并雕刻了一个拱门,从内部的定制石凳中勾勒出视野.

Landscape: a Blade of Grass
Landscape by a Blade of Grass

这个风景如画的乡村农舍露台俯瞰着萨德伯里河,质朴而宁静. 多色调的硬景观就像露台墙外未受破坏的绿色植物一样令人着迷. For the hardscape, a Blade of Grass 选择了一个全色的天然蓝石硬景观,与它之前的绿色灌木很好地搭配在一起. Shocks of quick fire hydrangeas bridge the two scenes, 回收的花岗岩火坑确保了两把柳条椅经常被占用.

Landscape: a Blade of Grass
Landscape by a Blade of Grass

这个郁郁葱葱的分层林地位于栗山,毗邻森林保护区,由Blade of Grass创建,代替了草坪. 田园风格的环境是精心设计的,将家庭的生活空间延伸到户外. 它有几个花园座椅,可以在阴凉的风景中喝酒,这里有苔藓丛生的新英格兰田野石台阶和满是霍斯达黄金标准的床,’ Japanese painted ferns, fothergilla, hakonechloa grass and variegated red twig dogwood.

Landscape: a Blade of Grass
Landscape by a Blade of Grass

Here, an alternate view reveals more of the same leafy palette, as well as Japanese maple, 桦树和黄杨,清澈的锦鲤池塘点缀着水葫芦.

Walpole Outdoors

While not a landscape company, Walpole Outdoors 不仅致力于户外生活空间,还致力于“户外生活方式”.上图中手工制作的凉亭是软灰色的视觉效果, and the crowning glory of this inspired rectilinear garden. This arbor provides privacy, 依偎在白色的砖墙和定制的长凳邀请居民停留一段时间,沐浴在美丽的花朵和喷泉.

Walpole Outdoors

即使是一个简单的装饰细节,比如沃波尔户外的拱形雪松桥, pictured above, can make a world of difference to your landscape. 想想那座日本人行桥对莫奈和吉维尼花园的意义吧. 用于装饰性或功能性地越过物业的溪流或池塘, a bridge is not only pleasing to the eye, 它还可以温和地提醒你,你的场地是用来散步的.

Walpole Outdoors

上面质朴的全木藤架为树木繁茂的户外空间增添了自然的威严,并突出了一条小路. 可以把Walpole outdoor的藤架想象成成人版的树屋, 因为它提供了一点阴影,并为景观增添了建筑成分. It also invites ivies, 铁线莲等攀援藤蔓爬升其框架,形成垂直花园.

Landscape by Select Horticulture, Inc.

如果你的宁静的绿色空间是一个仍在萌芽的愿景,选择园艺公司., the 38-acre Lancaster nursery known for its flawless trees, 植物和灌木可以和你一起使它茂盛. 他们只选择最值得信赖的种植者来种植各种各样的树标本, evergreens, deciduous shrubs, and shade and ornamental plants. 他们的托儿所的专业人士也敏锐地意识到,在那些安静的时刻,我们停下来欣赏一朵娇嫩的花朵,或者在树林中散步.

Landscape by Select Horticulture, Inc.

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