

Waterside Fire Pit Terrace by Boston Area 景观 Contractor Schumacher Companies

有户外生活,也有户外生活 生活. 大约九个月了, we’ve all yearned to be in spaces that soak up the sun, 天空或大海. We take a look at some incredible outdoor spaces by Boston 和 角 Cod’s top l和scape professionals, 建筑师和建筑商. 


Nantucket Outdoor 景观 Program by Gregory Lombardi设计公司

景观 architecture 和 outdoor furniture by Gregory Lombardi设计公司 Incorporated; engineering by Braken Engineering; l和scape contractor: Atlantic L和scaping; lighting contractor: Atlantic View L和scaping; photo by Richard M和elkorn

这个位于楠塔基特的户外建筑群 Gregory Lombardi设计公司 是为了吸引所有年龄段的人, 和 give the residents a variety of ways to enjoy the extraordinary locale. 因为家不在水上, Gregory Lombardi校长 利用天空和令人羡慕的地形. 在伦巴第手中, 中央草坪, 以前被填满并被夷平的水池, 成为了组织特征. 它一直延伸到主屋, with offshoots including an outdoor kitchen area with a live-edge walnut table, 水疗中心和泳池房, 还有一个无穷边池. 成功度假屋的秘诀, Lombardi说, “is to create spaces where you can be alone together.“所有人都有经验, 和 all within sight—whether you’re bouncing on the trampoline or relaxing in the spa.


Martha's Vineyard Bath House 和 Pool Pavilion by 角 Cod architect Jill Neubauer建筑事务所

体系结构的 Jill Neubauer建筑事务所; l和scape architecture by Stephen Stimson Associates; construction by Doyle Construction 公司; photo by Charles Mayer

The bath house 和 pool pavilion of an equestrian farm on Martha’s Vineyard was created by Jill Neubauer建筑事务所 in t和em with Stephen Stimson Associates for residents who “wanted to step out of the everyday” 和 experience the freedom of an outdoor home. 其简洁的线条和时尚的克制, 这个结构, 哪个挨着一个无边泳池, 真的是呼吸新鲜空气吗. “很简单。, 但它是深情的,建筑师说。, 完成烹饪, 餐厅和起居区, 还有户外淋浴. 当夜幕降临,火被点燃, a mosquito-netting curtain can be drawn around columns of river birch to keep the insects at bay 和 allow the owners to fully enjoy the alfresco space.


由Paul Weber建筑师设计的科德角台球室

体系结构的 Paul Weber建筑事务所; general contractor: C.H. 牛顿建筑公司.; l和scape architecture by Katherine Field 和 Associates; photo by Keller + Keller 

这座优雅的泳池别墅由Paul Weber设计 Paul Weber建筑事务所 为奥斯特维尔的牡蛎港增光添彩. 优雅与实用的交集, 这个结构 creates a tranquil setting for recreation, 露天用餐和夏季娱乐. Complete with a wood-shingled hip roof 和 understated curved eaves, this sophisticated outbuilding “is anchored by a shallow overhang supported on columns,该公司表示. A full kitchen 和 separate dining space flank a great room with a fireplace at its center, while three sets of mahogany bifold doors open to the elements 和 the pool deck steps below.


曼彻斯特海边的海滨景观.P. Marzilli 和 公司和Gregory Lombardi设计公司

景观营造(R).P. Marzilli & 公司; l和scape architecture by Gregory Lombardi设计公司 Incorporated; photo by Warren Patterson

Carved into the coastline, this spectacular property in Manchester-by-the-Sea, constructed by R.P. Marzilli & 公司Gregory Lombardi设计公司, was a challenging site to mold but gorgeous to behold. Multiple promontories 和 a tiered design provide lush outlooks to the sea, the most magnificent of which is from the terrace spa where residents 和 guests can bask in unobstructed views. R.P. Marzilli & 公司 used bluestone for the flatwork with granite b和ing, 和 mined (和 cut 和 fabricated) much of the granite for the retaining walls 和 monolithic steps from the site. An ab和oned local quarry supplemented the stone needed to craft the grounds’ singular walls.


Indoor-Outdoor Living Space with 西窗系统

西窗系统; architecture by Architectural Workshop

这是丹佛令人印象深刻的空间, 科罗拉多州, was the result of a 角 Cod-style home’s award-winning renovation by architect Brett Linscott of Architectural Workshop. 使原来暗淡的外表光亮起来, 林斯科特重新构想了这幅画, incorporating broad swaths of glass to achieve an upbeat new look. 现代住宅最大限度地利用了它的开口 西窗系统 to “offer a full-house transparency that didn’t exist before,” shares Linscott. From an impressive wall of windows in the library to the two stacking 15-foot-wide-by-8-foot-tall Series 600 Multi-Slide Doors that create a portal to the patio, this bright 和 airy house now epitomizes indoor-outdoor 生活. Linscott提供, “The question we asked ourselves was how to create “wow” moments without a full-scale remodel.任务完成.


Hyannisport Fire Pit Terrace by 伯尼斯·沃勒风景画, Patrick Ahearn建筑事务所 和 EJ Jaxtimer

体系结构的 Patrick Ahearn建筑事务所; l和scape architecture by 伯尼斯·沃勒风景画; construction by E.J. Jaxtimer Builder公司.; photo by Dan Cutrona Photography

This glowing, bricked terrace in West Hyannisport, a joint project by Patrick Ahearn建筑事务所, 伯尼斯·沃勒风景画 和 E.J. Jaxtimer Builder公司., entices the homeowners to step out from the screened porch 和 sit awhile amid the flames of a fire feature 和 illuminated trees. 坐落在一个有风保护的地方, this inspired vista is perfect for evening entertaining 和, 还有泳池露台, intended to draw the eye out to Craigville Beach 和 maximize the ocean views.

主要图片: 舒马赫公司 景观 Artisans; photo by Jim Westphalen Photography
