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Ernie Boch Jr.花园亭

不远就有一个忙人, divided highway dotted with traffic lights and populated by strip malls and car dealerships, within a private block cloistered by hundreds of Norway spruce, 花园是永恒的吗. 非凡的, 广阔的风景, inspired in part by the vistas and terraces of the Dumbarton Oaks estate in Washington D.C.这座城市有着明显的欧洲风情. 它的一系列结构化而亲密的户外空间, 受周围建筑的影响, 并勾勒出格子砖墙, 黄杨树和紫杉树篱, 你会在欧洲大陆看到什么吗, 而不是马萨诸塞州.

小Ernie Boch的卵石露台.花园亭
“The entire grounds are traditional,” explains landscape architect Brian Frazier of 布莱恩·弗雷泽设计, who began working on the initial phases of this property roughly 12 years ago in tandem with interior designer Anthony Catalfano of Anthony Catalfano Interiors、园景承建商 R.P. Marzilli & Company建筑师Eric Daum Eric Inman Daum建筑事务所美国有限责任公司,由 KVC Builders. This site—and home—are not what you might expect from owner Ernie Boch, Jr., an auto czar, musician and philanthropist who, says Frazier, “looks like ’rock n’ roll.” 
作为总裁兼首席执行官 新英格兰的斯巴鲁 可能在波士顿有摇滚明星的地位 提倡艺术、音乐和文化, his taste, 至少在他独一无二的场地上是这样, 奔向无可挑剔的经典和精致. Which is not to say that there isn’t something wonderfully outlandish about the latest phase of his property now reaching completion, the crown jewel of which is a garden pavilion where members of Boch’s family are interred and remembered, 还有他的长眠之地.
Ernie Boch's Jr.黄昏时的花园亭子

London planetrees set up the view, says Frazier, and “make it a special place.” Initially, Frazier considered a reflecting pool, but Boch preferred a sunken lawn. Boch also insisted on a copper cross to crown the garden pavilion, 而不是金箔, 对于一个积分, subtle effect.

The idea arose from a very practical purpose, explains Ernie Boch, Jr. “Statistics show that 80 percent of Americans have no plan for when they die. 我说的不是遗嘱,他强调地说, “我说的是他们计划用自己的身体做什么.” Couple that with the fact that town cemeteries are getting full, 博赫觉得必须亲自动手了. Beautifully. 

他参观了世界各地的陵墓——欧洲, New Orleans, and, closer by, 布鲁克林,为他的花园凉亭寻找灵感, 然后组建了最好的团队, he says, “to run with it.道姆的当代古典设计, Catalfano’s flawless counsel and Frazier’s vision for the landscape and pebble terrace took the project to higher ground. 这是一个为持久而创造的网站, with a level of complexity and aestheticism that the team as a whole has rarely—if ever—experienced before.
这座建筑的大门是定制的青铜门 蒂什勒和索恩. 青铜门圈, 这被证明是非常棘手的, were designed, fabricated, 完成安装 Wiemann Metalcraft. The interior door is mahogany with a crotch veneer panel fabricated by 南岸木业.
道姆的当代寺庙, a robust and instantly iconic vision in ashlar charcoal granite (selected for its kinship to Quincy granite) by 肯尼斯·Castellucci & Associates, Inc. 可以追溯到古典建筑的悠久传统, 希腊多立克风格的统治秩序. 它的主体是一个立方体, anointed by a hemispherical dome sheathed in standing-seam copper sheeting. Four wings project outward to the “cardinal points of the compass,” explains Daum, 还有青铜门窗, 由著名的蒂什勒和索恩制作, 让风景融入其中. 
大理石圣所和Ernie Boch花园亭子的祭坛
The coffered dome has 24 bays symbolizing the hours of the day and a bronze laylight in a sunburst pattern designed, fabricated, 由Wiemann Metalcraft完成并安装. The marble floor was cut and carved in Italy and dry assembled as a mockup before it was shipped over. The interior columns are fluted and composed of stacked segments of Verdi Alpi Marble. The marble floor, columns and inscription tables were furnished and installed by 肯尼斯·Castellucci & Associates, Inc.
内部有一个高贵的,宝石般的轴承,与 天然石材制品 by 肯尼斯·Castellucci & Associates, Inc.包括由九种不同大理石组成的地板. A luminous stained glass laylight within the center of the dome draws the eye heavenward, its profusion of pinks and blues representing the evening sky and, at its center, the setting sun. Empire influenced chandeliers add further drama to the space.
肯尼斯·Castellucci & Associates, Inc. did all the exterior granite cladding as well as the landscaping walls. Charcoal Gray Coldspring granite stairs descend to the crypt, which is marked by a red door. The custom bronze railings and vents are by Wiemann Metalwork.
而上层的圣所“庆祝生命的循环,” says Daum, the crypt below, 由楼梯进入, 象征着生命的短暂. Swathed in shades of grey, black and gold, it strikes a rich but solemn chord. 圆润的圆柱, which, says Frazier, 不是必要的,因为建筑很好, 看起来很悲伤. “它们只是不祥的预兆,”Boch说. 这是唯一能形容它的词.”
The hypostyle hall has four columns that suggest the weight of mourning in the sanctuary. 每个房间都有织物、毛皮和窗帘. “这是一个非常安静和忧郁的经历,”Boch说. 
直接在轴线上,嵌入在景观中, 坐落在卵石台地上, 由Frazier设计,R手工制作.P. Marzilli & Company. Comprised of contrasting black and white Mexican beach stones hand-picked for size and length, the curving, 平坦的露台为通往展馆铺平了一条独特的道路. Layers of taxus, hydrangea, Russian sage and boxwood surrounding the terrace are integral to the design. 植物使石雕显得柔和了, “创造温暖而诱人的空间,R .的项目经理克里斯·约翰逊说.P. Marzilli & Company. “虽然硬景观工作是独一无二的, 没有其他层就什么都不是,” he continues, 和无缝和系统的地形.
小Ernie Boch的卵石露台.花园亭
挖掘现场后, 为大纲安装表单, outfitting underground heating so that the terrace won’t accumulate snow, 浇筑混凝土, R.P. Marzilli & Company’s craftsmen worked for three months under a tent structure during the winter of 2015-2016 (on their hands and knees) to guide every pebble into place. 
The execution of both the pebble terrace and garden pavilion required unparalleled dexterity from the team at R.P. Marzilli & 公司和KVC建筑商. “这个项目有很多很棒的细节,KVC建筑商项目经理杰克逊·梅洛说, 每一个都涉及到高水平的工艺和, at times, problem solving. 
在整个构建过程中, KVC’s Construction Supervisor Jack Griffin was an incredible implementer who navigated the project to new heights, says Mello. 这项工作要求用混凝土建造穹顶, 而不是KVC通常使用的木框架. Due to the complexity of the structure, “more or less, we had to design backwards,” explains Griffin. “The concrete had to be designed to fit within the finished stone drawings,” clarifies Mello. “That’s very different from the way we would normally build.” 
这个团队不仅成功了, they soared, and every one of the professionals is grateful to Boch for having had this opportunity. 大家都说,这是一生难得的项目. 道姆说:“我们再也不会有这样的事情了。. “不,从来没有,”格里芬同意道.

The Team: 
Architecture: Eric Inman Daum建筑事务所 and Merrimack Design Architects, Eric Daum Partner in Charge
Builder: KVC Builders
景观设计师: 布莱恩·弗雷泽设计
景观建设: R.P. Marzilli & Company
室内设计: Anthony Catalfano Interiors
Millwork: 南岸木业
天然石材工程: 肯尼斯·Castellucci & Associates, Inc.
Wood Finishing: 韦恩·托尔大师整理和修复
技术集成: 特立独行的集成

摄影:Warren Patterson

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